In the month of October, Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15- Oct.15) and National Manufacturing Week (Oct. 7-14) fall within the recognition of this month.

Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) “is a celebratory period that honors Hispanic and Latino communities. It's observed annually from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and was enacted into U.S. federal law on Aug. 17, 1988" (
The reason HHM is from September 15 to October 15th is that Sept. 15th is the anniversary of Independence of 5 Latin American countries which include Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. On September 16th and 18th, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence. Along with Oct. 12 Columbus Day, or Día de la Raza, is also observed during HHM.
This month and every month, Latinos and Hispanic cultures celebrate “our names and last names, our Banderas, language, culture, sazón, folklore, music, art, and the people get the chance to shine brighter, louder, and everywhere” (
Dating back to the Labor Rights movement, many Latin and Hispanic Leaders contributed to the movement by demanding equal pay and treatment in the workforce, including the manufacturing industry. Hispanics and Latin Americans were able to make manufacturing a more profitable field to work in. Including weekly hours and pay and the banning of child labor.
“Hispanics contributed to one of the most productive eras in the industry. They also contributed to an equitable future for current generations of workers”(
Some notable leaders include Cesar Chavez, who lead the United Farm Workers of America, Dolores Huerta, who co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, Santiago Iglesias Pantin, who advocated for workers’ social and economic well-being, Luisa Moreno advocated for women's and immigrant laborers’ rights and Emma Tenayuca, a labor organizer.
In 2020, Latinos and Hispanics only make up 18.3% of the overall population and are responsible for 78% of the United States labor force since the Great Recession. It is projected that by 2030, 36.9 million Hispanic workers will account for the labor force.
In 2014, the percentage of Hispanics and Latinos makes up 15.8% of the manufacturing industry employment. As of 2021, it grew to 17.4% according to the U.S Bureau of Statistics.
The picture below shows the occupations with the highest concentrations of Hispanic workers in the United States. Hispanic workers earn $4,800 more per year (+17.8%) in manufacturing without a degree compared to someone working with a degree in another field.

We wanted to take this time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and say thank you. At Swiss Technologies of New England and Stone Medical, we strive to make our workforce as diversified as possible.
Resources to learn more: