As IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show) came to a close this past Saturday in Chicago with more than 85,000 registrations and 2,000 exhibitors, we wanted to extend our thank you to all the fantastic vendors, conference speakers, and staff who made this show indeed the biggest trade show in the Western Hemisphere.
It was an unforgettable first experience for our team to attend, from seeing how to make an N95 mask to an infrared robot being able to detect us in the crowd. It was also great to see the young adults interested in the engineering and manufacturing industry.
We also wanted to extend our thank you to all of our existing and new connections we made over the few days we were there.
But as much as we talk about the show through our experience, what better way than to show our readers who are curious about attending the event in 2024 by sharing some of our photos!
Remember that these photos are just what our team captured on particular floors and sections that we attended. However, there were still many exhibitors with exceptional products and displays that we didn't get a chance to get to.
If you would like to check out more media that we took at the event, follow us on our social media pages linked at the bottom of our page or visit the IMTS website for more photos.
Our final word of advice for potential attendees, go! But make sure you have a plan on what you want to see, when, and where. The IMTS website is the perfect place to help you plan your trip in 2024.
We hope you enjoyed reading our recap of IMTS 2022. Leave a comment down below if you attended IMTS this year!